
breaking up with atlas

you’re always doing that.
stop doing that.
you know exactly
what i mean.
i mean
threaten me.
don’t go on
saying how awful
my life
would be
without you.
as if you’d ever leave.
you know you need
me. maybe
more than
you think.
you know what?
just go.
if you want
to go, then go.
i don’t
even care
you’re right.
maybe i will
tumble into a dark
without you.
but you know what?
so be it.
whatever happens
it won’t last
i’ll be fine.
i’m resilient.
i’ll end up alright.
just so long as
i don’t have to
keep hearing
anymore about what
a service
you’re doing ME by
staying with ME.
i never asked for you
to hold me up,
you know that.
good god.
it’s like you want
me to be your fucking
and you expect me
to be happy about it.
just let go of me.
i’m tired of you
touching me
and i’m tired of you
trying to
control me.
just walk away.
i just want some peace.

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